Jurs! LOL!!!! Girl, YOU cracked me up!! ..."Ran into witnesses in your Xmas garb!" I love it!! Ha,ha..Wish I was there, my daughter Emily will love this when I tell her...Peace..NK
Nancy K
JoinedPosts by Nancy K
JW kids & Dec. stress
by wheelwithinwheel indecember used to be the worst month of the year for me.
i still remember making a santa out of a toilet paper roll, red crepe paper and some cotton in one of my first years of school.
when i brought it home, knowing it probably wasnt right, the parents reaction convinced me i was a real sinner.
JW kids & Dec. stress
by wheelwithinwheel indecember used to be the worst month of the year for me.
i still remember making a santa out of a toilet paper roll, red crepe paper and some cotton in one of my first years of school.
when i brought it home, knowing it probably wasnt right, the parents reaction convinced me i was a real sinner.
Nancy K
I have always loved the first snowfall, and all the 'natural' beauty of this season..It makes me sad, that I let the JW's mess up my, and in turn my kids' heads about Christmas..I had a tree for years, as my husband wasn't involved..But my kids' had so much stress at school the month of Dec. When I think back, it really makes me cry, that they had all that stress. And it makes me pretty angry at the org.The way they disregard children's feelings..I used to see some sisters beat the cr*p out of their kids 'in the back' or in the ladies room of the 'hall' for being kids...Any of you younger ones out there, if you're 'out' and hopefully 'out' with your parents, or other siblings..Let the healing begin..Love each other, hug one another and have a warm, cozy holiday...Because speaking from my heart, as a Mother, I love my children and you're parents love you too, it's just as parents, sometimes we want the best for you, but we make mistakes too, and many of us made the mistake of getting into the JW's, thinking it was thee best thing for our whole families! It was hard for me to read how you made that decoration and went home and it was a disaster..I would give my right arm for a homemade child's decoration right about now..God Bless and please have FUN! NK
JW Bro-in law dies
by borgfree insunday my brother-in-law, loyd gardiner, died.
he was an elder in the richmond, indiana congregation for about 50 years.. my son and i are having real problems deciding what to do.
we had decided not to go to the services because almost everyone there will be jws and we do not see the need to expose ourselves to the rude treatment by them.. i got a phone message last night from someone, not baptized jw, who thought we should go to the viewing today, to show "our respects".
Nancy K
Hi...Please accept my sincere condolensces...If you want to go for your brother-in-law, then go, pay your respects (hold your head up in dignity) and leave. You don't have to 'hang around', if you know what I mean. I felt so badly for you when you wrote how your JW family treated you at the time of your sister's viewing. They are disgusting, in my opinion for the treatment they gave you! Don't put yourself thru that again, PLEASE!!! If YOU really want to pay your respects to your bro-in-law, then do so and leave. Don't put up with that 'abuse' again!! Do you hear me? You do not deserve to be treated that way from them or anyone else! Go in peace, leave in peace and BE IN PEACE!! Take good care, Nancy K.
Missing my granddaughter
by Nancy K in.
how do i get over a broken heart?
my daughter, 25 a witness will not let me see my granddaughter anymore and she misses me and i miss her...i have been very ill and this is the worse thing on top of everything...how do you go on living and try to pretend this beautiful little girl dosen't exist?i need some help...thank you.... .
Nancy K
Dear Robyn, Thank you also for your feedback!...Thankfully, my husband is an attorney..He is just waiting for me to give him the 'OK' to get 'the ball rolling' as you said..I have been hesitant, #1 I physically couldn't handle the stress this past year, as I had surgery, have been in a lot of pain with my illness and i am trying to get to a more tolerable plateau with my health #2 I don't want this to hurt Chloe (stress-wise) #3 I have been afraid to take 'them' on...Praying constantly for Chloe and Ethan(my grandson), I don't even know him..My husband and I bought Ethan a beautiful crib and bedding, etc., a few months after his birth and had them sent to my daughter and her husband...They sent a card and thanked us..But I still haven't seen him either..It dosen't 'hurt' as much with Ethan, because I don't 'know' him yet, like I was so close to Chloe for 4 years..But I tried calling , writing to ask if Chloe could come stay during the summer, invited all of them to come stay, but she refuses. Well, this is not an easy situation, but if nothing changes, soon, I will take them to court. Thank you again, you and all the other kind people I've written to and 'chatted' with have helped me tremendously in 1 day!!! I am so-ooo grateful!! I came on to this site yesterday for the 1st time!! Be well, Nancy
Missing my granddaughter
by Nancy K in.
how do i get over a broken heart?
my daughter, 25 a witness will not let me see my granddaughter anymore and she misses me and i miss her...i have been very ill and this is the worse thing on top of everything...how do you go on living and try to pretend this beautiful little girl dosen't exist?i need some help...thank you.... .
Nancy K
Thank you for your post and thoughts...My daughter lived with me the whole 9 months of her pregnancy, I was in the delivery room when Chloe was born, then they lived with me for over a year because my daughter ended up not marrying Chloe's father...I helped my daughter as much as I could, to finish school, start college and babysat when I got home from work, etc. I threw her a very nice baby shower at a restaurant all because I love them unconditionally..This entire period of time I was no longer in the org., then later on my daughter got baptized, but we still saw each other several times a week, I watched Chloe as much as I could, which is all why I am so close to Chloe..As a mother, you don't do these things for a 'pat' on the back! You do them out of love...Now for her to start saying, well we can't be 'close' anymore, and I don't like your lifestyle? What lifestyle? I rarely go out(my illness), I wear nice clothes, nothing 'provocative', I am who I've always been..Well, it hurts alot. It makes me feel like a witch or some wierdo, that would 'do' something to my grandchild! And here I am worrying that Chloe is around a number of pedophiles, and is at high risk of being molested..She is a gorgeous little girl, with long blonde hair and extremely friendly and out-going, trusting personality..I pray every night and day that she will be safe..Well, thank you so much, again..I wish you good health, happiness and peace. Nancy
Missing my granddaughter
by Nancy K in.
how do i get over a broken heart?
my daughter, 25 a witness will not let me see my granddaughter anymore and she misses me and i miss her...i have been very ill and this is the worse thing on top of everything...how do you go on living and try to pretend this beautiful little girl dosen't exist?i need some help...thank you.... .
Nancy K
Thank you also, Jesika, for your thoughts and for caring..You are a young, beautiful woman like my own daughter! I hope that someday she will come to her senses, and I agree that I need to feel and get well before I take this to court..If I am not well, I will be no good to anybody...Write anytime, I'm glad you are happy now..Peace to you and your family..Be well! Nancy
Missing my granddaughter
by Nancy K in.
how do i get over a broken heart?
my daughter, 25 a witness will not let me see my granddaughter anymore and she misses me and i miss her...i have been very ill and this is the worse thing on top of everything...how do you go on living and try to pretend this beautiful little girl dosen't exist?i need some help...thank you.... .
Nancy K
Thank you for your post LB! I have been under way too much stress and have to lighten up! I read your letter to Frank, it was well done...I can't undo the past either, and I believe things happen for a reason, but I wish I had never let these people into my home in the first place..I have tried to be patient and strong, but I have really gotten worn down..I'm so glad there are people like you out there that 'understand' and care...Thank You! Nancy
Missing my granddaughter
by Nancy K in.
how do i get over a broken heart?
my daughter, 25 a witness will not let me see my granddaughter anymore and she misses me and i miss her...i have been very ill and this is the worse thing on top of everything...how do you go on living and try to pretend this beautiful little girl dosen't exist?i need some help...thank you.... .
Nancy K
Dear LB, What did "I hear voices and they don't like you" mean? Why was that written? Thank you for your reply, Nancy
Missing my granddaughter
by Nancy K in.
how do i get over a broken heart?
my daughter, 25 a witness will not let me see my granddaughter anymore and she misses me and i miss her...i have been very ill and this is the worse thing on top of everything...how do you go on living and try to pretend this beautiful little girl dosen't exist?i need some help...thank you.... .
Nancy K
I was afraid to come on to the site, my youngest daughter 19, has been on here and showed me some print-outs she made...I want to thank all of you who responded to my question, from the bottom of my heart, because I really am having a tough time dealing with this..I am afraid to "take them on" so to speak, I think of my grandaughter and I don't want to cause more stress for her, plus at the moment I am too ill to even drive..My doctor's are compassionate and say this is tough..I really 'feel' like my heart can't take it..
Missing my granddaughter
by Nancy K in.
how do i get over a broken heart?
my daughter, 25 a witness will not let me see my granddaughter anymore and she misses me and i miss her...i have been very ill and this is the worse thing on top of everything...how do you go on living and try to pretend this beautiful little girl dosen't exist?i need some help...thank you.... .
Nancy K
How do I get over a broken heart? My daughter, 25 a witness will not let me see my granddaughter anymore and she misses me and I miss her...I have been very ill and this is the worse thing on top of everything...How do you go on living and try to pretend this beautiful little girl dosen't exist?I need some help...Thank you...